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Holiday Specials

I am grateful that YOU take the time to read my Wine Tasting Tips every so often. THANK YOU!

These Holidays Specials are tokens of my appreciation 

Happy Holidays!! 

Holidays bring friends and family together. What about having fun wine tasting?

I am passionate about using the Wine Aroma Wheel created by my friend Ann Noble. This small laminated disc gathers all the major wine aroma descriptors that you may perceive in table wine or sparkling wine. I also translated the wheel attributes in French.

Get the wine aroma wheel at the Special Education Price starting Today until December 31st.

Special Holiday price: $US 3.50

Choose Your Wheel
  • Created by Dr. A.C. Noble at UC Davis to help novice tasters describe what they smell and taste in a wine
  • Excellent training tool for wine students, wine enthusiasts, and professionals
  • Shown to strengthen memories associated with each wine tasting experience
  • Instructions on how to use the wheel are printed on the back, with references to characteristic varietal wine aromas.
  • Laminated for easy clean up and durability

  • Wine aromas are unique to sparkling wine and Champagne wine 
  • Instructions on how to use the wheel are printed on the back, with references to characteristic sparkling wine aromas

  • Translated in French - Disque laminé de couleur (22 cm diamètre). 
  • Les descripteurs d’arômes sont organisés en 3 sections: au centre les catégories générales (par ex. Fruité),pour finir à la périphérie avec les termes spécifiques (par ex. Citron). 
  • Les instructions pour utiliser la roue des arômes sont imprimées au dos.

Home > Wine Aroma Wheel > Special Purchase Offer